Work Undertaken
Check Over
Inspection of the instrument. All pads checked and adjusted as necessary for seating and regulation. Springs adjusted as required. All corks, buffers, checked, adjusted, or replaced as necessary to bring the instrument into good working order.
Interim Service
Strip down and clean key work. About 50% corks, buffers replaced. About 50% pads replaced. Springs checked and replaced as required. All double action in key work removed. Lubricate and reassemble, checking all pad seating and regulation.
Full Service
Strip down and clean key work. Clean instrument body, including tone holes, and polish key work. About 80% pads and 80% corks replaced. Springs replaced as required.
Lubricate and reassemble, checking pad seating and regulation. All double-action in key work removed. Replacement of clarinet tenon cork, sax neck cork, as required.
Complete Overhaul
As for a full service except all pads, corks, buffers replaced. Springs replaced as required. Oiling of bore, if desired (clarinet). Price upon inspection.
The cost of any additional work to the above will be added to the cost of the service.
Please click on any of the photographs below, to see a larger copy.
Shortening a clarinet barrel |
Polishing the keywork |
A clarinet stripped of its keywork |
Replacing a saxophone neck cork |